Konx-om-Pax – Astronomical Objects
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Konx-om-Pax describes his thoughts behind the recording process which took a departure from previous methods used in “Ways of Seeing” from 2019
“I wrote the album mainly in the first month of lockdown, decided to re-launch my label and this is the first release since 2013. During the making I’d been listening to a lot of jungle, stuff like Photek… however it didn’t seem to make sense to make tracks with drums. However, I like the idea of still using that low-end sub and adopting those techniques to beatless tracks,”Canopus” being the most obvious example. The record also features a sublime rework of Arcturus by Mark Warren (Atom Earth Mother / Zoviet France – https://bandcamp.com/tag/zoviet-france), taking the original version deeper. I also worked with an old friend from Glasgow – Marie Claire White who supplied some stunning vocal takes that I enjoyed running through my Granular synth. The final track is a salvaged demo that I recorded in Clark’s studio many years ago with Chris playing some of the synth parts and strings by Yamila Ríos”
This record will sit nicely in the collection for fans of post-rave hang-outs.